Precision Forestry Blog2023-04-12T09:30:29+00:00

Welcome to our Forestry Monitoring Blog.

Follow us as we embark on a journey of explanation and exploration into the world of forestry and how our monitoring platform will assist in growing the forestry industry.

Precision forestry: A way forward for the timber industry in East Africa

Forestry, Precision Forestry|

Forestry is a vital sector for the economies and livelihoods of many people in East Africa. Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania have a combined forest area of about 65.5 million hectares, which accounts for about 27% of their total land area¹. These forests provide a range of goods and services, such as timber, fuelwood, charcoal, non-timber forest products, biodiversity conservation, watershed protection, climate regulation and recreation.

Site Species Matching Tool – Ugandan Launch

About GFP, Site Species Matching|

Ugandan Government is progressing on restoring the 2.5 million hectares of degraded land by the year 2030. With tree farming increasingly becoming a profitable venture, not only in Uganda but on the international market, the demand for wood products and commercial forestry is growing.

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