Welcome to our Forestry Monitoring Blog.
Follow us as we embark on a journey of explanation and exploration into the world of forestry and how our monitoring platform will assist in growing the forestry industry.
Forest Inventory and Assessment
Forest inventory and assessment play a pivotal role in the sustainable management of commercial forests. Accurate data regarding timber volume and the value of timber stands is essential for making informed decisions about harvesting, replanting, and ensuring the long-term profitability of forestry operations.
Silviculture is like the caretaker of forests. It's all about managing and nurturing the trees to achieve specific goals. Think of it as the art and science of taking care of forests to ensure they thrive in the long run.
Precision forestry: A way forward for the timber industry in East Africa
Forestry is a vital sector for the economies and livelihoods of many people in East Africa. Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania have a combined forest area of about 65.5 million hectares, which accounts for about 27% of their total land area¹. These forests provide a range of goods and services, such as timber, fuelwood, charcoal, non-timber forest products, biodiversity conservation, watershed protection, climate regulation and recreation.
Counting Trees
Counting the number of trees in a compartment or specific area within a forest is an integral act in forestry management and research. Tree counts help to establish an accurate forest inventory which provides valuable information about species composition, density, age structure, and overall forest health.
Precision Forestry for Climate Change Mitigation: Reducing Carbon Footprint
Precision Forestry for Climate Change Mitigation: Reducing Carbon Footprint [...]
Site Species Matching Tool – Ugandan Launch
Ugandan Government is progressing on restoring the 2.5 million hectares of degraded land by the year 2030. With tree farming increasingly becoming a profitable venture, not only in Uganda but on the international market, the demand for wood products and commercial forestry is growing.