Paid Modules

Explore the GFP Paid modules & precision forestry solutions for a more detailed look and analysis over your forestry areas of interest.

The modules are individually tailored for your specific needs and include analytics such as satellite-based tree counts, monthly forest health and harvest analysis, forest resource mapping, post-fire analysis and more.

The results are provided to you in an interactive and intuitive dashboard environment and reporting system that makes decision making easy as all your data is in one place. Quick on-the-fly queries can be carried out to give you answers to questions relating to the analysis at the click of a button.

Site Species Matching Tool

Species Site Matching Tool (SSMT) is a Geographical Information System (GIS) based tool that overlays the growing conditions across a given area (based on temperature, rainfall, evapotranspiration, soil types, soil depth and topographic data) with the growing requirements of different species and matches them to different climatic areas.


Site Species Matching Tool

Species Site Matching Tool (SSMT) is a Geographical Information System (GIS) based tool that overlays the growing conditions across a given area (based on temperature, rainfall, evapotranspiration, soil types, soil depth and topographic data) with the growing requirements of different species and matches them to different climatic areas.

Climate Scenarios Suitablitity

Climate Scenario Suitability

This Module gives the user access to analysis of the suitability of growing a specific species in specific areas based on various climatic and topographic scenarios. The analysis from this module depends on the Site Species Matching tool (SSMT) output and forecasts the scenarios for select species in 2050.

Climate Scenarios Suitablitity

Climate Scenario Suitability

This Module gives the user access to analysis of the suitability of growing a specific species in specific areas based on various climatic and topographic scenarios. The analysis from this module depends on the Site Species Matching tool (SSMT) output and forecasts the scenarios for select species in 2050.

Deforestation and Monitoring

In forestry, it is important to continuously monitor the health of forests, commercial or plantation, as well as changes of extent due to activities such as deforestation. This module provides ongoing insight into your forests monthly. Planet (3m) imagery or Sentinel 2 (10m) imagery is used for this analysis.


Deforestation and Monitoring

In forestry, it is important to continuously monitor the health of forests, commercial or plantation, as well as changes of extent due to activities such as deforestation. This module provides ongoing insight into your forests monthly. Planet (3m) imagery or Sentinel 2 (10m) imagery is used for this analysis.

Woodlot Mapping and Query

Forest Mapping and Query

In forestry, it is important to keep track of resources by mapping them in a Geographic Information System (GIS). When the location of woodlots is known the dynamic use of other spatial data for planning and operational purposes becomes possible. This is thus the fundamental module upon which all other modules on your dashboard are based.

Woodlot Mapping and Query

Forest Mapping and Query

In forestry, it is important to keep track of resources by mapping them in a Geographic Information System (GIS). When the location of woodlots is known the dynamic use of other spatial data for planning and operational purposes becomes possible. This is thus the fundamental module upon which all other modules on your dashboard are based.


In forestry, it is important to continuously monitor the health of woodlots as well as changes of extent due to activities such as harvesting. This module provides ongoing insight into your woodlots monthly. Planet (3m) imagery or Sentinel 2 (10m) imagery is used for this analysis.

Woodlot Monitoring
Woodlot Monitoring


In forestry, it is important to continuously monitor the health of woodlots as well as changes of extent due to activities such as harvesting. This module provides ongoing insight into your woodlots monthly. Planet (3m) imagery or Sentinel 2 (10m) imagery is used for this analysis.

Inflield Stress

Infield Stress

In forestry, monitoring processes and the health of your woodlots is important. As an industry standard average health status of full compartments is given. However, due to different variations such related to stress, trees in different parts of the compartment may be performing differently.

Inflield Stress

Infield Stress

In forestry, monitoring processes and the health of your woodlots is important. As an industry standard average health status of full compartments is given. However, due to different variations such related to stress, trees in different parts of the compartment may be performing differently.

New Imagery Request

Different satellite data is required for different applications in the life cycle of your forestry application. This module serves as a gateway of accessing this satellite data.

High Resolution Satellite Imagery
High Resolution Satellite Imagery

New Imagery Request

Different satellite data is required for different applications in the life cycle of your forestry application. This module serves as a gateway of accessing this satellite data.

Post Fire Analysis

Post-Fire Analysis

In forestry, fire is a known occurrence happening intentionally and unintentionally. At times these fires get out of hand, and it is important to evaluate the events surrounding the fire.

Post Fire Analysis

Post-Fire Analysis

In forestry, fire is a known occurrence happening intentionally and unintentionally. At times these fires get out of hand, and it is important to evaluate the events surrounding the fire.

Road Network Analysis

In forestry, it is important to have an overview of how their plantations are linked to transport, markets, sawmills, and other endpoints. The road network analysis module provides solutions that give the user insight for better logistical planning.

Road Network Analysis
Road Network Analysis

Road Network Analysis

In forestry, it is important to have an overview of how their plantations are linked to transport, markets, sawmills, and other endpoints. The road network analysis module provides solutions that give the user insight for better logistical planning.

Carbon Sequestration 

Carbon Sequestration

This Module gives the user access to analysis of the suitability of growing a specific species in specific areas based on various climatic and topographic scenarios. The analysis from this module depends on the Site Species Matching tool (SSMT) output and forecasts the scenarios for select species in 2050.

Carbon Sequestration 

Carbon Sequestration

This Module gives the user access to analysis of the suitability of growing a specific species in specific areas based on various climatic and topographic scenarios. The analysis from this module depends on the Site Species Matching tool (SSMT) output and forecasts the scenarios for select species in 2050.

Tree Count

In forestry, it is important to continuously monitor the health of woodlots as well as changes of extent due to activities such as harvesting. This module provides ongoing insight into your woodlots monthly. Planet (3m) imagery or Sentinel 2 (10m) imagery is used for this analysis.

Tree Survival Rate
Tree Survival Rate

Tree Count

In forestry, it is important to continuously monitor the health of woodlots as well as changes of extent due to activities such as harvesting. This module provides ongoing insight into your woodlots monthly. Planet (3m) imagery or Sentinel 2 (10m) imagery is used for this analysis.



In forestry, monitoring processes and the health of your woodlots is important. As an industry standard average health status of full compartments is given. However, due to different variations such related to stress, trees in different parts of the compartment may be performing differently.



In forestry, monitoring processes and the health of your woodlots is important. As an industry standard average health status of full compartments is given. However, due to different variations such related to stress, trees in different parts of the compartment may be performing differently.